
Thank you for your interest in joining the Military Writers Guild.

We accept applications for membership consideration twice yearly, with application submission windows in January and July.

New members will be notified in March or September.

Application guidelines:

Members of the Military Writers Guild are writing practitioners – people who are actively producing, publishing, or promoting original editorial content centered on military topics, themes, or experiences. Members include present service members and veterans who have served in uniform, but also journalists, scholars, historians, authors, analysts, diplomats, poets, playwrights, and more.

A CV or resume should:

  • Highlight your history and experience writing about military topics, themes, or experiences.

  • Be no longer than two (2) pages.

Writing samples should:

  • Highlight your skills and interest in writing and publishing about military topics, themes, or experiences.

  • Published samples are preferred (including where and when published), but unpublished works are also accepted.

Letters of recommendation for membership should:

  • Be written on letterhead and with preferred means of contact.

  • Be no longer than one (1) page in length, about 400-500 words.

  • Include a brief description of how the recommender is familiar with the applicant’s body of writing.

  • Highlight what skills the applicant contributes to the MWG mission of amplifying, promoting, networking, and collaborating within a vibrant community of writers.

Current Members

*Founding Member

Amoroso, Alexander

Barnes, Paul

Benson, Kevin

Bircher, Chip

Blair, Dave

Bonadonna, Reed

Bracknell, Robert

Bratten, Jonathan

Brender, L. Burton

Bulow, Chris

*Byerly, Joe

Callahan, Robert

*Cavanaugh, Matt

Cerjan, Robert P.

Chandler, Eric

Clark, J.P.

Cole, August

Cook, Mick

Cox, Samuel John

Cruz, Leo

Dahlstrand, Kate

Dash, Debasis

Davitch, Jim

DeRosa, John

Ertl, Andrew

Filipoff, Dmitry

*Finney, Nathan

Forsling, Carl

Foster, Steven

*Friedman, Brett

*Ganske, Rich

Garard, Olivia

Garrett, Jim

Gatzemeyer, Garrett

Goldstein, Andrea N.

Gomez, Don

Grespin, Whitney

*Grinberg, Mikhail

Guha, Manabrata

Hardy, Brad

Hastings, Alan

Heck, Timothy

Higgins, Jenna

Hodges, Doyle

House, John M.

Howk, Jason Criss

Huffman, J. Ford

Ingram, Christopher G.

Junge, Michael

Kawusi, Naweed

Kimball, Raymond A.

Klein, Gary

Knodell, Kevin

Kouretsos, Peter

Kramer, Nick

Kuhlman, Matt

Lambert, Mike

*Leonard, Steve

Lingle, Brandon

Lovett, Susan

Margolick, Jon

Matson, Mike

*Mayfield, Ty

Mazzara, Jennifer

McCloud, Bill

McDermott, Tom

McGrath, Jamie

*McRae, John

Miller, Chris

Miller, Kater

Mishra, Anant

Misso, Roger

Morgan, Harrison

Morrison, Frank

Nadaner, Jeffrey "Jeb"

Nulton, Jason

O'Neill, Clare

Parker, Johnathon

Parker, Russell Worth

Paul, K.R.

Pillai, Chad M.

Powers, Josh

Putz, Catherine

Rice, Nate

Ross, Daniel Charles

Samuelson, Jared

Shanks Kaurin, Pauline

Smith, Matt A.

*Steadman, Andrew

Stewart, Ruben

Strickland, Tod

Templeton, Charles

Townsend, Chris

Ward, Jessica

Whiskeyman, Andrew

Whysall, Gareth

Wieck, Brian

Wilhelm, Jared

Willbanks, James H.

Williams, Thomas

Wilson, Hal